Nuova versione di questo programma freeware per rinominare i file.

Per altre informazioni leggete la precedente news.

Il link per il download cambia continuamente, quindi per scaricarlo bisogna usare l'indirizzo riportato nell'home page del produttore.


Changes in v2.7.1

Fix: Auto Width column size not working
Fix: Collisions not shown in bold in some cases
Fix: Columns not reset when toggling Folder Browser
Fix: Default script not triggering auto-preview
Fix: Some script option fail to load if tab is not active
New: Column Size menu changed to [Auto Width, Full Width, User Set Width]
New: Filename Collision color configuration option (red by default)
New: Exclude Files now accepts wildcards
New: Exclude Now menu item
New: Top/Bottom buttons added to Floating Thumbnail window
New: Improved update speed for toggling thumnail list
New: Improved update speed for Folder Browser
New: Disable icon cache configuration option
New: Collision count in status field
New: Tab name flagged when options set (to show tabs with changes)
New: Collapse All button on Folder Browser
New: Renaming options checkboxes automatically focuses textbox